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It’s that time of week again and this morning I spent an hour in our chatroom talking to WordPress expert Jeremy Ferguson about… you guessed it… WordPress. There were a lot of lurkers in this mornings session as well as a lot of first timers, so the chat was a little less organic than usual, but there were still some very interesting questions asked and a huge number of resources came out of the hour.

又到了一周的时间,今天早上我在聊天室里花了一个小时与WordPress专家Jeremy Ferguson谈论有关……你猜对了……WordPress。 今天早上的会议中有很多潜伏者,而且有很多初学者,所以聊天比平常少了一些,但是仍然有一些非常有趣的问题被问到,并且大量的资源在工作时间中消失了。 。

If you’re interested in getting into WordPress development, the list of resources below contains a number of must-reads.


Some good WordPress resources that came out of the session:


Jeremy’s on


An article about


from SitePoint


by Chris Coyier & Jeff Starr

Chris Coyier和Jeff Starr

A great as a framework


– the framework that’s not a framework


A on your site

在网站上 , 一个

A for WordPress sites

一个 WordPress网站的插件

An article on in general


And one on


– an ecommerce platform for WordPress

– WordPress电子商务平台

– a WordPress Performance Optimization (WPO) framework

– WordPress性能优化(WPO)框架

And a couple of PHP resources that came up:


A  on Learnable


If you missed the session today because you didn’t know about it, you can or sign up for . Next week we have the much requested session on Regular Expressions at 4:00pm PDT on Thurs 13 June or .

如果您由于不知道今天错过了会议,则可以或注册 。 下周我们将在6月13日(星期四)太平洋夏令时下午4:00召开有关正则表达式的会议   或 。

If you want to see exactly what went down this morning, here is the full transcript:


[21:55] <HAWK> Welcome everyone – Jeremy Ferguson is our expert today. We’ll kick off in 5 mins but in the mean time, feel free to introduce yourselves

[21:55] <HAWK>欢迎大家-杰里米·弗格森今天是我们的专家。 我们将在5分钟内启动,但与此同时,请您自行介绍

[21:57] <HAWK> And for anyone that doesn’t know who Jeremy is – this is his course on Learnable 

[21:57] <HAWK>对于任何不认识杰里米是谁的人-这是他关于Learnable的课程

[22:00] <dorthe> would you prefere to use a theme or ex thesis frame instaed

[22:00] <dorthe>您是否愿意使用主题或现成的论文框架?

[22:01] <HAWK> We may as well kick off now. Thanks to jeremyf for his time today. If you haven’t been to one of these sessions before, it’s basically a bit of a free for all – throw in your questions and Jeremy will answer them

[22:01] <HAWK>我们现在也开始吧。 感谢jeremyf今天的时间。 如果您以前从未参加过这些会议之一,那么基本上对所有人来说都是免费的-提出您的问题,Jeremy会回答他们

[22:01] <jeremyf> @dorthe I’ve used Thesis and Genesis as frameworks. Both are good for different reasons. I find frameworks excellent for taking care of the basic stuff and giving you ui dashboards etc

[22:01] <jeremyf> @dorthe我已经使用了Thesis和Genesis作为框架。 两者都有很好的理由。 我发现框架非常适合照顾基本知识并为您提供ui仪表板等

[22:03] <johnlacey> What would you recommend for someone wanting to learn WordPress theme development?

[22:03] <johnlacey>您对想学习WordPress主题开发的人有什么建议?

[22:03] <dotbdotb> so speaking of themes – what is your favorite starter theme?  i.e. bones, wp-bootstrap

[22:03] <dotbdotb>谈到主题-您最喜欢的入门主题是什么? 即骨头,wp-bootstrap

[22:04] <jeremyf> @johnlacey make sure you are familiar with the codex themes of course.. 

[22:04] <jeremyf> @johnlacey确保你所熟悉的当然法典主题..

[22:04] <jeremyf> @johnlacey I often find it’s good to find a theme that is near where you want to end up

[22:04] <jeremyf> @johnlacey我经常发现在您想要结束的主题附近找到一个主题是很好的

[22:04] <jeremyf> and look through it

[22:04] <jeremyf>并仔细查看

[22:05] <jeremyf> looking at other people’s code is a great way to learn

[22:05] <jeremyf>查看别人的代码是学习的好方法

[22:05] <jjjrrr> johnlacey check out digwp.com this book is awesome

[22:05] <jjjrrr> johnlacey退房digwp.com这本书很棒

[22:06] <jeremyf> @johnlacey working through a book can be good too, but often they get outdated

[22:06] <jeremyf> @johnlacey读一本书也可能很好,但通常他们会过时

[22:06] <jeremyf> a good book by a friend of mine but it is a year or two old at this point

[22:06] <jeremyf> 我的一位朋友写的一本好书,但此时已经一两岁了

[22:06] <chris> What’s the best way to password protect a whole wordpress site?

[22:06] <chris>密码保护整个wordpress网站的最佳方法是什么?

[22:06] <jeremyf> dotbdotb I liked the thesis 1.x theme a lot; I also like the genesis framework and theems

[22:06] <jeremyf> dotbdotb我非常喜欢论文1.x主题; 我也喜欢创世框架和主题

[22:06] <johnlacey> I do have a number of Learnable/Sitepoint titles… both physical books and eBooks, but haven’t quite gotten around to reading them yet.

[22:06] <johnlacey>我确实有很多可学习的/ Sitepoint的标题,包括物理书籍和电子书,但是还没有完全阅读它们。

[22:06] <HAWK> Feel free to jump in with questions – at the moment we’re talking about the best way to get into WP (and resources)

[22:06] <HAWK>随时提出问题-目前,我们正在讨论进入WP(和资源)的最佳方法

[22:07] <wibbleie> what is your favourite plugin you regularly utilise?  For me it is Advanced Custom Fields, great for using WP as a CRM style site

[22:07] <wibbleie>您经常使用的最喜欢的插件是什么? 对我来说,它是高级自定义字段,非常适合将WP用作CRM样式网站

[22:07] <jeremyf> dotbdotb – thesis 2.x is much different. I like it, but there is a learning curve and not everyone loes it

[22:07] <jeremyf> dotbdotb –论文2.x有很大不同。 我喜欢它,但是有一个学习曲线,并非所有人都讨厌它

[22:07] <jeremyf> wibbleie – ACF is excellent .. I’m surprised it’s not core yet. I use it on every site. Yoast’s SEO and analytics plugins are excellent

[22:07] <jeremyf> wibbleie – ACF很棒。.我很惊讶它还不是核心。 我在每个站点上都使用它。 Yoast的SEO和分析插件非常出色

[22:08] <Hola> So what’s the best way to get into wp?

[22:08] <Hola>那么进入wp的最佳方法是什么?

[22:08] <dorthe> I’ve tried to Work with Thesis and found this video tuturial which is a great way to start:

[22:08] <dorthe>我试图与Thesis合作,并发现了此视频教程,这是一个很好的起点: : TBcRjFbjohg&list=PLwdrgXlAazqugEHVhHCcb-NCli0VlDgHc&index

[22:08] <HAWK> Hola From earlier: 

[22:08] <HAWK> Hola从更早的版本开始: : //dl.dropbox.com/u/11177072/Screenshots/roub.png

[22:09] <dotbdotb> thanks jeremy – for frameworks i have thrown in my lot with genesis – still getting used to that – it seems like thesis doesn’t have as much love from the hardcore wp community so i just never got around to trying it  Maybe I will check out 2.1 though 

[22:09] <dotbdotb>谢谢杰里米–对于我在创世纪中投入的框架–仍然很习惯–看来论文对铁杆wp社区没有太多的热爱,所以我只是从来没有绕过尝试一下,也许我会签出2.1

[22:09] <wibbleie> Couldn’t agree more re: ACF and Yoast. ACF in the core would be great. There isn’t a site that I have worked on that wouldn’t benefit from better custom fields

[22:09] <wibbleie>无法同意更多关于:ACF和Yoast。 核心的ACF很棒。 我没有工作过的网站不会从更好的自定义字段中受益

[22:09] <dotbdotb> thy dorthe

[22:09] <dotbdotb>你的多特

[22:09] <jeremyf> @chris – password protecting a whole site is probably something easily done through a plugin.. if you are looking for membership features, look for at 

[22:09] <jeremyf> @chris –保护整个站点的密码很容易通过插件完成。如果您正在寻找会员功能,请访问

[22:09] <zotek> where can i found newsletter and automatic sent coupon to a confirmed subscibers plug-in.?

[22:09] <zotek>在哪里可以找到新闻通讯并自动将优惠券发送到已确认的subscibers插件。

[22:09] <jeremyf> @chris you can also make a particular page “private” and it will password protect it

[22:09] <jeremyf> @chris,您还可以将特定页面设为“私有”,它将用密码保护它

[22:10] <jeremyf> zotek – newslettering is going to really depend on your newsletter provider

[22:10] <jeremyf> zotek –新闻通讯将真正取决于您的新闻通讯提供商

[22:10] <Seth> what is the thought on creating a site from scratch using html and css and then transforming that into a wordpress site? Is it always better to start with a theme and make a child from that?

[22:10] <Seth>使用html和CSS从头开始创建网站,然后将其转换为wordpress网站有什么想法? 从一个主题开始并以此为生总是更好吗?

[22:10] <jessirwin> Would people suggest Yoast to simply add Google Analytics to a site?

[22:10] <jessirwin>人们会建议Yoast只是将Google Analytics(分析)添加到网站吗?

[22:10] <dorthe> have anyone used wp as an intranet

[22:10] <dorthe>有人将wp用作内部网

[22:11] <programmer> I’m installing WordPress right now during this session (locally)

[22:11] <programmer>我正在此会话期间(本地)安装WordPress

[22:11] <jeremyf> zotek its tricky to do from just a website without service of some sort; many of them offer wordpress plugins that make it pretty easy from there

[22:11] <jeremyf> zotek在没有某种服务的网站上很难做; 他们中的许多人提供了wordpress插件,从那里可以轻松实现

[22:11] <chris> favorite plugin: I recently started using Yoast SEO – really like it and found it easy to get up to speed with

[22:11] <chris>最喜欢的插件:我最近开始使用Yoast SEO –非常喜欢它,并发现它很容易上手

[22:12] <Hola> Yeah will like to read what you guys think of Seth questions

[22:12] <Hola>是的,我想读你们对塞思问题的看法

[22:12] <johnlacey> Do you have any suggestions for working with WordPress on a local development computer?

[22:12] <johnlacey>您对在本地开发计算机上使用WordPress有任何建议吗?

[22:12] <kadiross> is there some coreses to learn how to make WP theme from Zero

[22:12] <kadiross>是否有一些核心知识来学习如何从零开始制作WP主题

[22:12] <jeremyf> Seth – the nice thing about using a theme framework is it covers a lot of the random templates you may not think of when you’re doing it from scratch.

[22:12] <jeremyf> Seth –使用主题框架的好处是它涵盖了许多您从头开始执行时可能不会想到的随机模板。

[22:12] <zotek> just simple newsletter name: and email.. and when subscriber confirmed thier email they automaticaly recieve random number something like that

[22:12] <zotek>只是简单的通讯名称:和电子邮件..当订户确认他们的电子邮件时,他们会自动接收到类似这样的随机数

[22:12] <jeremyf> Seth many do prefer coding everything down from scratch, but I find using a framework that has my basic layout taken care of allows me to quickly add a skin to a site using css, filters, and actions

[22:12] <jeremyf>赛斯(Seth)许多人确实喜欢从头开始编写所有代码,但是我发现使用一个框架,该框架照顾了我的基本布局,使我可以使用CSS,过滤器和操作将外观快速添加到站点

[22:13] <zotek> ok

[22:13] <zotek>好的

[22:13] <Lucas1> Beside that, does anyone have any good chat plugins for wp? Free or not, just wanna know if you have any experience with them or.. yeah.. that sort of thing..

[22:13] <Lucas1>除此之外,还有没有人为wp提供任何好的聊天插件? 免费与否,只是想知道您是否对他们有任何经验,或者..是的。。。

[22:13] <Seth> thanks for the response, much appreciated. So in saying that, is there a good starter theme for beginners to work with?

[22:13] <Seth>非常感谢您的答复。 因此,对于初学者来说,是否有一个很好的入门主题?

[22:14] <griffinartworks> starkers

[22:14] <griffinartworks>明星

[22:14] <jeremyf> johnlacey – working with a local dev environment you can get the latest releases of wordpress on nightlies. Get to know git. I’ve used xampp pretty successfully and even gotten it to work on google drive so it is mobile with only a little config change

[22:14] <jeremyf> johnlacey –在本地开发环境中工作,您可以在夜间获取最新版本的wordpress。 了解git。 我已经非常成功地使用了xampp,甚至可以在Google驱动器上使用它,因此只需少量配置更改即可移动

[22:14] <griffinartworks> by vieqport industries

[22:14] vieqport Industries的<griffinartworks>

[22:14] <dotbdotb> i just built my first site with bones and I liked that as a starter theme

[22:14] <dotbdotb>我刚刚用骨头建造了我的第一个站点,我喜欢将其作为入门主题

[22:14] <ryan> I’m afraid if I build my site in WP and I get hacked or something (seems they’re always getting hacked), or decide to migrate everything later, it will be a nightmare. Are my fears unfounded?

[22:14] <ryan>恐怕如果我在WP中构建站点,并且遭到黑客入侵或某些事情(似乎他们总是被黑客入侵),或者决定以后再迁移所有内容,那将是一场噩梦。 我的担心没有根据吗?

[22:14] <jeremyf> Lucas1 – I haven’t used any chat plugins on WP, sorry.

[22:14] <jeremyf> Lucas1 –对不起,我尚未在WP上使用任何聊天插件。

[22:15] <HAWK> ryan SitePoint is a WP site 

[22:15] <HAWK> ryan SitePoint是WP网站

[22:15] <dorthe> HAWK do you collect the discussion and put it on Sitepoint later this week

[22:15] <dorthe> HAWK,您是否收集了讨论并将其放在本周晚些时候放在Sitepoint上

[22:15] <jeremyf> ryan – I have definitely dealt with hacked sites.. usually they were not being properly maintained and updated. Also installing a login limit plugin is a good idea now as wel

[22:15] <jeremyf> ryan –我肯定处理过被黑客入侵的网站..通常,这些网站没有得到适当的维护和更新。 同样,现在安装登录限制插件是个好主意

[22:15] <HAWK> dorthe Yes – I’ll post a full transcript up later today on SitePoint, along with a list of resources that come out of the chat

[22:15] <HAWK> dorthe是的-今天晚些时候,我将在SitePoint上发布完整的成绩单,以及聊天记录中的资源列表

[22:15] <dorthe> tx

[22:15] <dorthe> tx

[22:16] <jeremyf>

[22:16] <jeremyf>

[22:16] <ryan> thx!

[22:16] <ryan>谢谢!

[22:16] <MauricioOchoa> i work a local copy using mamp on mac everything is ok but I uploaded her  and is all localhost how deal with it?

[22:16] <MauricioOchoa>我在Mac上使用mamp进行本地复制,一切正常,但是我上传了她的 ,所有本地主机都如何处理?

[22:16] <jjjrrr> i use better wp security for securing wordpress. is this a good plugin, are there better ones?

[22:16] <jjjrrr>我使用更好的wp安全性来保护wordpress。 这是一个好插件,还有更好的插件吗?

[22:16] <asc> multiple apis and wordpress easiest solution?

[22:16] <asc>多个api和wordpress最简单的解决方案?

[22:17] <jeremyf> MauricioOchoa – there is a setting in wp-admin under /wp-admin/options-general.php

[22:17] <jeremyf> MauricioOchoa –在/wp-admin/options-general.php下的wp-admin中有一个设置

[22:17] <dotbdotb> ryan –   also get a good malware scanner or service

[22:17] <dotbdotb> ryan – 也获得了不错的恶意软件扫描程序或服务

[22:17] <jeremyf> MauricioOchoa where you set the url of your site

[22:17] <jeremyf> MauricioOchoa,您在其中设置网站的网址

[22:17] <asc> where should i start with trying to bring apis into wordpress install basically like songkicks

[22:17] <asc>我应该从哪里开始尝试将api基本上像songkicks一样带入wordpress安装

[22:18] <dorthe> jeremyf which plugin for payment over the internet would you prefere for wp

[22:18] <dorthe> jeremyf您​​希望使用哪个插件通过Internet付款

[22:18] <jeremyf> MauricioOchoa – you can also set it as a constant to override if you can’t get into your site ..  for WP_SITEURL)

[22:18] <jeremyf> MauricioOchoa –如果您无法进入自己的网站,也可以将其设置为要覆盖的常量。.http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php WP_SITEURL )

[22:18] <MauricioOchoa> no acces to wp-admin I guess I can change config.php

[22:18] <MauricioOchoa>无法访问wp-admin我想我可以更改config.php

[22:19] <jeremyf> MauricioOchoa – if that still doesn’t fix everything, sometimes plugins keep the hostname in their settings so you’ll want to search your db for instances of the old name

[22:19] <jeremyf> MauricioOchoa –如果仍然不能解决所有问题,有时插件会将主机名保留在其设置中,因此您将需要在数据库中搜索旧名称的实例

[22:19] <jeremyf> MauricioOchoa definitely take a look at  there’s a script that can do much of the work for you

[22:19] <jeremyf> MauricioOchoa绝对可以看看有一个脚本可以为您完成很多工作

[22:20] <jjjrrr> MauricioOchoa maybe here are some hints for you

[22:20] <jjjrrr> MauricioOchoa也许这是一些提示给您

[22:20] <jeremyf> @jjjrrr – I don’t know of a better security plugin, sorry

[22:20] <jeremyf> @jjjrrr –我不知道有更好的安全性插件,对不起

[22:20] <johnlacey> So many links. lol. I look forward to Hawk publishing the transcript so I can go over them all carefully.

[22:20] <johnlacey>链接太多。 大声笑。 我期待着Hawk发布成绩单,以便我仔细检查所有内容。

[22:20] <Seabee> Migrate DB plugin (and pro version) – use it all the time

[22:20] <Seabee>迁移数据库插件(和专业版)–一直使用

[22:21] <Hola> What is this bones some of you keep mentioning?

[22:21] <霍拉>你们中有些人一直在说这骨头吗?

[22:21] <jessirwin> I use Backup Buddy when moving sites to different servers. It’s a commerce plugin but makes the job so simple.

[22:21] <jessirwin>将站点移到其他服务器时,我使用Backup Buddy。 这是一个商务插件,但使工作如此简单。

[22:21] <jeremyf> dorthe – for payment I favor Shopp – full disclosure, I”ve been doing tech support for them for a few years. I’ve worked iwth it since their 1.0 version

[22:21] <jeremyf> dorthe –对于付款,我赞成Shopp –全面披露,几年来我一直在为他们提供技术支持。 从1.0版本开始我就开始工作

[22:21] <jeremyf> dorthe – excellent cart system, full featured, easily customized.. 

[22:21] <jeremyf> dorthe -优良车系统,全功能的,很容易地定制..

[22:22] <Seabee> Love Cart66, not tried shopp

[22:22] <Seabee>爱Cart66,未尝试过购物

[22:22] <jeremyf> dorthe – i’ve used a few other ecommerce systems, all are pretty much fine

[22:22] <jeremyf> dorthe –我使用了其他一些电子商务系统,一切都很好

[22:22] <dorthe> is it better than system from woocommere

[22:22] <dorthe>比woocommere的系统好吗?

[22:22] <jeremyf> dorthe – at this point it’s about who’s been around longest

[22:22] <jeremyf> dorthe –这是关于谁的时间最长的

[22:22] <programmer> If I set up a wordpress database locally, will it be hard to change the name if I move it to a server?

[22:22] <programmer>如果我在本地设置了wordpress数据库,将其移到服务器上是否会很难更改名称?

[22:22] <MauricioOchoa> There is currently no text in this page. You can search for this page title in other pages, search the related logs, or edit this page.

[22:22] <MauricioOchoa>此页面当前没有文本。 您可以在其他页面中搜索此页面标题,搜索相关日志或编辑此页面。

[22:22] <jeremyf> dorthe – woo I’ve only used a little.. Shopp has really been my best experience

[22:22] <jeremyf> dorthe – woo我只用了一点。。Shopp确实是我最好的经历

[22:22] <dorthe> tx I’ll check it out

[22:22] <dorthe> tx我会检查一下

[22:23] <HAWK> I think we’re on top of all the questions at the moment, so if anyone has something else to raise, go for it…

[22:23] <HAWK>我认为我们目前处于所有问题的首位,因此,如果有人要提出其他建议,请继续...

[22:23] <asc> apis in wordpress?

[22:23] Wordpress中的<asc> API?

[22:23] <asc> any pointers

[22:23] <asc>任何指针

[22:24] <dotbdotb> i have been using foxyshop and foxycart for stores – any experience with those?

[22:24] <dotbdotb>我一直在商店中使用foxyshop和foxycart-这些东西有什么经验吗?

[22:24] <chris> Any suggestions for streamlining creative layout editing? any experiences setting up something like Coda for local editing? other suggestions welcome

[22:24] <chris>关于简化创意版式编辑的任何建议? 是否有设置Coda之类的内容进行本地编辑的经验? 欢迎其他建议

[22:24] <dotbdotb> also wondering about programmer’s question

[22:24] <dotbdotb>也想知道程序员的问题

[22:24] <jeremyf> foxyshop and foxycart is pretty good, yes. Really it seems like the biggest factors are support and documentation – it’s all php, you know? shopping carts do what they do. 

[22:24] <jeremyf> foxyshop和foxycart很好,是的。 确实,似乎最大的因素是支持和文档-全部都是php,您知道吗? 购物车会做什么。

[22:25] <dotbdotb> jeremyf tru dat

[22:25] <dotbdotb> jeremyf tru dat

[22:25] <jeremyf> Hola – I think bones is this:  seems like a bootstrap concept ; a framework that’s not a framework

[22:25] <jeremyf> Hola –我认为这是骨头: ://themble.com/bones/ 似乎是一个引导概念; 不是框架的框架

[22:25] <jeremyf> i haven’t tried it yet

[22:25] <jeremyf>我还没有尝试过

[22:26] <jeremyf> programmer – I wouldn’t say it would be hard to change, it’s pretty much just one variable, but make sure you test everything well. One thing htat can be tricky is links in content

[22:26] <jeremyf>程序员–我不会说很难改变,它几乎只是一个变量,但要确保对所有内容进行良好的测试。 htat可能棘手的一件事是内容链接

[22:26] <Hola> Yeah I just googled it cheers I will have a look later

[22:26] <Hola>是的,我只是在Google上加油打气,待会儿我会看看

[22:26] <jeremyf> programmer I try to use relative links when possible so I don’t have to go back; but you can take care of it with a quick db search

[22:26] <jeremyf>程序员我尽可能地尝试使用相对链接,所以我不必回头。 但是您可以通过快速的数据库搜索来解决它

[22:26] <programmer> Okay. Got it installed and configured.

[22:26] <程序员>好的。 安装并配置了它。

[22:26] <dotbdotb> i am just about to launch a bones site 

[22:26] <dotbdotb>我将要启动一个骨头网站

[22:27] <dotbdotb> i want to try wp-bootstrap next though because a lot of people i respect love it

[22:27] <dotbdotb>我想接下来尝试wp-bootstrap,因为我尊重的很多人都喜欢它

[22:28] <jimjam_app> Hi any recommendations for caching in WordPress on heavy traffic sites? but also how do u get round the caching if you have say a news feed on the home page that you want to update in real time and bypass the cache?

[22:28] <jimjam_app>您好,有关在人流量大的站点上使用WordPress进行缓存的任何建议吗? 但是,如果您要在首页上说要实时更新并绕过缓存的新闻提要,那么如何处理缓存呢?

[22:28] <jeremyf> chris – I tend to be a text editor and ftp kind of programmer. If I’m working with a consistent designer and cranking out similar sites, I’ll create a basic template to start with and edit down

[22:28] <jeremyf> chris –我倾向于是文本编辑器和ftp类程序员。 如果我与一致的设计师合作并开发出类似的网站,那么我将创建一个基本模板以作为开始并进行编辑

[22:29] <jeremyf> chris – I use sublime text right now for editing code

[22:29] <jeremyf> chris –我现在使用崇高的文本来编辑代码

[22:30] <jeremyf> asc – it’s usually best to do your external api coding in a plugin.. I will always create a class and put all of my api functions in it, then make a workflow function for the actions.. See the class files for details on how that looks

[22:30] <jeremyf> asc –通常最好在插件中进行外部api编码。我将始终创建一个类并将所有api函数放入其中,然后为这些操作创建工作流程函数。请参阅类文件以获取有关外观的详细信息

[22:31] <ryan> what’s the best place for a web “designer” (not programmer) to learn WP and get up to speed with php?

[22:31] <ryan>什么是Web“设计者”(不是程序员)学习WP并掌握php的最佳场所?

[22:31] <HAWK> ryan Learnable ;)

[22:31] <HAWK> ryan可学习;)

[22:31] <ryan> good answer

[22:31] <ryan>好答案

[22:32] <ryan> more specifically?

[22:32] <ryan>更具体吗?

[22:32] <HAWK> Are you totally new to PHP?

[22:32] <HAWK>您对PHP完全陌生吗?

[22:32] <ryan> i’m solid with my HTML, and a newbie at php

[22:32] <ryan>我对HTML和PHP的新手感到很满意

[22:32] <jeremyf> jimjam_app – ive used  have found it a little frustrating to use with multiple editors who are not hip to caching.. It can be integrated with S3 etc though and configured to go on at big traffic hits I believe

[22:32] <jeremyf> jimjam_app –香港专业教育学院曾使用发现与不熟悉缓存的多个编辑器一起使用时有点沮丧。可以与S3等集成并配置为在大流量点击时继续运行

[22:32] <ryan> I want to be more confident in my WP development abilities and not get into a jam

[22:32] <ryan>我想对我的WP开发能力更有信心,不要陷入困境

[22:32] <jeremyf> jimjam_app – you also should be able to get aruond it in certain instances with the settings or a filter / action

[22:32] <jeremyf> jimjam_app –在某些情况下,您还应该可以通过设置或过滤器/操作来获取它

[22:33] <dotbdotb> my vow for this month is to finally read the PHP Novice to Ninja book – I have been hacking around too long!!!

[22:33] <dotbdotb>我本月的誓言是最终阅读《 PHP新手到忍者》一书–我一直在研究黑客太久了!!!

[22:34] <HAWK> ryan This is a great beginners PHP course 

[22:34] <HAWK> ryan这是一个很棒PHP初学者课程

[22:34] <jeremyf> ryan – You definitely will want to read up on PHP – I actually had a pretty good class in a web certification at a community college. That can be a good, quick way to learn and make yourself accountable. If you don’t want to take a class, there are any number of tutorial websites and the big purple book, etc

[22:34] <jeremyf> ryan –您肯定会想读PHP的书–实际上,我在一所社区大学的网络认证课程中表现不错。 这可能是学习和使自己负责的好方法。 如果您不想上课,可以有任意数量的教程网站和紫色大书本等

[22:34] <ryan> thx

[22:34] <ryan> thx

[22:34] <jeremyf> ryan – of course .. learnable.com has php classes as well

[22:34] <jeremyf> ryan –当然..learnable.com也具有php类

[22:34] <KB> big purple book what?

[22:34] <KB>大紫书什么?

[22:35] <KB> I actually recommend the learnable class in my university php classes -__- It’s much more beginner friendly

[22:35] <KB>我实际上在我的大学php课程中推荐了可学习的课程-__-对初学者更友好

[22:35] <jeremyf>

[22:35] <jeremyf>

[22:35] <jeremyf> ^big purple book

[22:35] <jeremyf> ^大紫色书

[22:36] <jeremyf> Another great way to learn php is to look at WP core files and theme files

[22:36] <jeremyf>学习php的另一种好方法是查看WP核心文件和主题文件

[22:36] <programmer> I know my username should NOT be admin, but I put in another secret name, and then I put my own name in for Nickname. Then I set Display name to my real name. Is this good?

[22:36] <programmer>我知道我的用户名不应该是admin,但是我输入了另一个秘密名称,然后在昵称中输入了自己的名字。 然后,我将显示名称设置为我的真实姓名。 这个好吗?

[22:36] <jeremyf> you can’t really break it – just play and see what happens. Google error messages when you get trouble

[22:36] <jeremyf>您不能真正打破它–只是玩一下看看会发生什么。 遇到麻烦时出现Google错误消息

[22:36] <Jerry> 1008 pages — that’s big!

[22:36] <Jerry> 1008页-很大!

[22:37] <MauricioOchoa> there is a easy way to migrate from localhost to my server?

[22:37] <MauricioOchoa>有一种简单的方法可以从本地主机迁移到我的服务器吗?

[22:37] <jeremyf> programmer – yeah I think that’s the best practice

[22:37] <jeremyf>程序员–是的,我认为这是最佳做法

[22:38] <jeremyf> programmer – the nickname and display name aren’t that relevant, really – they appear in a few places, depending on your theme

[22:38] <jeremyf>程序员-昵称和显示名称并不相关,实际上-它们出现在几个地方,具体取决于您的主题

[22:38] <jeremyf> MauricioOchoa – it’s the same as moving between any servers.. follow this : 

[22:38] <jeremyf> MauricioOchoa –它与在任何服务器之间移动相同。.请遵循以下步骤: :

[22:39] <MauricioOchoa> Right now it seems to be so long way, editing wp-config.php, and all database

[22:39] <MauricioOchoa>现在看来,编辑wp-config.php和所有数据库的路途遥遥无期

[22:39] <jeremyf> yeah – it shouldn’t take terribly long

[22:39] <jeremyf>是的-它不应该花很长时间

[22:43] <HAWK> Calling for more questions – if you’re sitting on one, now is a good time

[22:43] <HAWK>提出更多问题–如果您坐在一个人上,现在是个好时机

[22:43] <Felipe> Hi there, just a question… is possible to load a footer for different websites (different url), from one common source hosted in a fixed location ? thanks!

[22:43] <Felipe>嗨,这只是一个问题……是否可以从固定位置托管的一个通用来源为不同的网站(不同的url)加载页脚? 谢谢!

[22:44] <programmer> If I post something, it seems to show the nickname.

[22:44] <programmer>如果我发布一些内容,似乎显示了昵称。

[22:44] <jeremyf> Felipe – if you want a common image, you can do that pretty simply. Otherwise, it’s probably best to duplicate the code in each individual theme I’d htink; depending on what you are talking about.

[22:44] <jeremyf> Felipe –如果您想要一个共同的形象,则可以非常简单地做到这一点。 否则,最好在htink的每个主题中复制代码。 取决于您在说什么。

[22:44] <dotbdotb> I just enrolled in jeremy’s course – jeremy when are you going to be back like this that If i have any questions

[22:44] <dotbdotb>我刚刚报名参加杰里米的课程–杰里米,你什么时候会回来,如果我有任何疑问

[22:45] <jeremyf> dotbdotb – you can post questions to the course adn I will answer there

[22:45] <jeremyf> dotbdotb –您可以将问题发布到课程中,我将在那里回答

[22:45] <HAWK> dotbdotb There is a discussion section in the course

[22:45] <HAWK> dotbdotb本课程中有一个讨论部分

[22:46] <HAWK> Things are slowing up a bit. We have 15 mins left in this session so please make sure you ask your questions now if you have any

[22:46] <HAWK>事情在放慢一点。 本届会议还有15分钟的时间,因此请确保您现在有任何问题要问

[22:47] <jjjrrr> when will be the next talk?

[22:47] <jjjrrr>什么时候下一场演讲?

[22:48] <HAWK> jjjrrr I run them each week – next up is Regular Expressions

[22:48] <HAWK> jjjrrr我每周都运行它们-接下来是正则表达式

[22:49] <HAWK> When this chat room is closed you’ll find the schedule at

[22:49] <HAWK>关闭此聊天室后,您可以在找到时间表。

[22:49] <jessirwin> Is the regular expressions session for absolutel noobs?

[22:49] <jessirwin>绝对菜鸟的正则表达式会话吗?

[22:49] <Felipe> Hi jeremyf , thanks, that is th method that I am using actually :)

[22:49] <Felipe>嗨jeremyf,谢谢,那是我实际上正在使用的方法:)

[22:50] <johnlacey> Yay. Regular Expressions session starts at 9 am (my time). The coffee might have reached my brain by then. ;)

[22:50] <johnlacey>耶。 正则表达式会话在上午9点(我的时间)开始。 那时咖啡可能已经到达我的脑海。 ;)

[22:50] <HAWK> Well… if no one has any more questions for Jeremy, I’ll cut him loose to go and enjoy his evening :)

[22:50] <HAWK>好吧……如果没有人对杰里米有任何疑问,我会把他割下来,让他度过一个愉快的夜晚:)




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